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Working out is not everyone’s cup of tea. While there are sweat-freaks who could never be ripped enough – there are several people who have to truly force themselves to simply walk through the gym door! Some gym-goers make it a bit worthwhile every now and then, by offering some amusement for others to make it through the burn! Here is a list of some hilarious and sometimes ironic pictures snapped at the gym. If it wasn’t on camera, perhaps you’d think they were made up!  From the bizarre to the creative – have fun and don’t forget to have a good laugh, too!

Mr. Potato Works Out

It seems Mr. Potato head has decided to hit the gym! A picture like this can usually be interpreted in a number of ways, and it can be fun getting creative with it! Well, with reference to the saying “you are what you eat,” it can be agreed upon that Mr. Potato here eats too much starch! Perhaps he’s after a ‘skinny-fry’ type of look, instead of a baked potato! He’d better not break out in a sweat though – nobody likes a soggy spud!

Extra Support

Everyone knows that glamor and sweating it out certainly do not go together well! You could perhaps do some physical exertions while fully made up, but sweat would be streaming down your face if you were being productive! Just like you wouldn’t wear your heels during a session – not practical nor comfy, and you’d likely be a candidate for an injury! We sure hope it ended well for this lady over here! Maybe she was looking for extra support!

Cat-chy Leotard!

We don’t think it actually matters how much you love cats or perhaps even obsessed with them. Heck, even if you were Catwoman herself, you should never try to go out in public wearing this leotard! Perhaps he was running an experiment – checking whether his toned triceps and ripped abs were distracting enough that nobody would cringe at the feline-themed gym clothes! Well, even Arnold Schwarzenegger’s physique couldn’t distract a soul from that!

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