Masters Of Magic: Astonishing Facts About Siegfried & Roy’s Life Story, From Dirt Poor To Headliners Of Las Vegas Sold-out Shows

Siegfried and Roy are without a doubt the most famous magic duo worldwide. With their incredible performances, crazy wild animal tricks, and flamboyant costumes, they’ve kept audiences enthralled for decades. They’ve reached the very peak of critical acclaim and professional success, as shown by their sold out shows in huge venues. Nevertheless, their journey to the top was not an easy one.

They began from nothing, clawed their way out of poverty, and worked hard for every ounce of success along the way. But magic meant so much more to them. It was also an escape from a sometimes cruel, uncaring world. Believe it or not, they weren’t in it for the money; they happened to become rich doing what they loved. This is a story about following your dreams, no matter the circumstances.

Roy Was Born Amidst Bombardments In World War II

The story of Roy’s birth is one for the movies. His mother was nine-months pregnant when the Allied troops attacked Germany near the culmination of World War II. She had to pedal on a bicycle all the way to her sister’s home, while pregnant and at the same time trying to avoid the flying debris.

To bring Roy to this world, she had to leave her three other children in a safe location. Finally, she made it to her sister’s place and the baby-magician-to-be was born. His odds of survival were quite slim, as the country was going to face serious economic backlash after the war, but make it he did.

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