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The Career Woman’s Guide to Managing Stress

It’s not easy keeping a balance between striving for professional success and maintaining a happy personal life. With all the things on our plate, most of us tend to get overwhelmed. It can be challenging to get things done at the office like the boss lady you are while still being the super mom or amazing friend to your loved ones.

However, some strategies could help you boost your productivity, manage your stress levels, and achieve success in both your career and personal life. Here are 7 stress management tips for the quintessential career woman. This works for men too!

Get a Good Night’s Sleep

Having a proper rest can help fight anxiety and stress. Most people need around 7 to 9 hours a night. However, that’s not always possible. To help you fall into a much-needed slumber easily, you can use natural ways like consuming Valerian root, which is said to help relieve anxiety and induce sleep. Another habit you can incorporate into your nighttime routine is limiting your screen time and putting your gadgets away at least an hour before bedtime.

If you find it hard to sleep at night, drink some calming tea or avoid using your phone at least an hour before hitting the sheets


You don’t have to spend long hours to squeeze in some mindfulness meditation into your day. Right after waking up, you can start your day by doing whatever version of meditation you prefer, may it be a 15-minute stretching or a breathing session.

Those moments of calmness can help you get in tune with your body and clear your head. It can also regain your composure and help you envision your day; therefore, making you feel centered and less stressed. Meditation can be done at any time and anywhere, all you have to do is to focus on your breathing.

Get Active

Self-care routines may differ for each person. Some prefer having soothing facials, while others prefer relaxing massages. However, an important thing to include in your routine is a short workout session. Sweating it out is an effective way to combat stress.

It releases endorphins, which boosts the feeling of happiness and reduces pain, and helps lower the production of cortisol, the body’s main stress hormones. Squeezing in a workout session can also counteract the possible harmful effects of sitting all day.

Exercise helps you feel better and combats the harmful effects of sitting at your desk all day

Stay Organized

Do you feel like you have a never-ending list of things to do constantly running through your mind? It may be difficult to shut off your brain at night or focus on things at hand. To help you overcome this overwhelming feeling, make it a habit to write a to-do list before starting your day.

Prioritize the most urgent tasks and check off anything you have completed. It’s better to have a list to refer to rather than just relying on your memory to remember tasks. Having an organized list also helps you focus on the job in front of you. Looking at those ticked-off tasks also gives you a feeling of accomplishment. 

Eat Stress-Relieving Foods

Your food intake also affects your stress levels. Try to steer away from anything too sugary, salty, or processed food since these can increase stress, make you irritable, lower your energy, and raise your blood pressure. Instead, stock your pantry with natural stress relievers like nuts, dark chocolate, leafy greens, avocado, berries, and citrus fruits. These food items can reduce the cortisol levels in your body and help reduce stress and blood pressure naturally. 

Incorporate stress-relieving foods like berries into your diet

Set Boundaries

Your stress may also be caused by the choices you make and the things you say “yes” to. Set a clear boundary and know your limits both at home and at work, and make sure to let others know about it too.

If you find yourself overwhelmed by other people’s demands, then you probably have to assess yourself make firmer boundaries. Look for the fairest approach for you and everybody else involved in the situation. Don’t forget to be mindful of where and how you spend your energy.

Change Your Mindset

How we perceive stress also plays a role in managing it because not all stress is bad. Sometimes, if you don’t feel pressured in a situation, you wouldn’t be motivated enough to achieve anything. Your responses and beliefs might be the causes of your stress. Think of the pressure as a driving force to be better instead of a hindrance.

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