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The Most Courageous Celebrities Served Their Country & Were Absolute Heroes In The Military

When we read about our favorite celebrities, we normally find out details about their other professional activities or their love life. There are many A-listers though who, before building their huge net worth, had to serve in the US Army. Some did it to make some money in times when they struggled financially, while others wore the Army’s uniform to serve their country in times of war. Luckily, most of your favorite stars returned home safe and sound, and they were able to tell their story. Most of them loved the military, and some found themselves carrying a rifle out of nowhere! Are you ready?

James Blunt – Royal Army, Life Guards

It might sound weird to you, but your romantic and sweet singer James Blunt actually has a military past. He wasn’t enrolled by any military recruiter. In fact, he got a university military scholarship and served in the British Royal Army for four years, until eventually being assigned to the Life Guards, who were reconnaissance troops. The famous singer was also voluntarily deployed to Kosovo along with NATO troops. His squadron was called Blues and Royals. We do not know about you, but for us, it is kind of hard to imagine James Blunt being sent to war!

Tony Bennett – US Infantry

Iconic singer Tony Bennett joined the US Infantry in 1944, just when World War II was about to come to an end. However, his division, the 63rd infantry division, was deployed in Germany and later in France. Bennett was in the front line during the Battle of the Bulge, and he witnessed nightmarish situations like the Nazi Concentration camps’ tear down. Fortunately, when he returned to the US, his mental health was in a very good shape, despite the adverse conditions he experienced, and he later clarified his opposition to the war.

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